فایل ممکن است بخاطر نمایش در سایت بهم ریختگی داشته باشد.
نمونه سوال انگلیسی 1 اول متوسط نوبت دوم
فرمت: ورد ( word )
حجم: 57 کیلوبایت
- spelling (3ps):
- Fill in the blanks with the missing letters
1-ab. He rec – ived God’s message and began To prea – h is lam.
2-cd. the ket – le was ab – ve the fire.
3-ef. Nobody know the ans – er for cert – in.
4-gh. they are b – ilding new houses in fr – n of our school.
5-ij. Some birds can find pl – nty of seed and inse – ts to eat
6-kl. ch – nge my shirt . I was s – ated near The host.
- vocabulary (4ps):
- Fill in the blanks with the words given. There is one extra word.
(admire – passed – laugh – wondered – foreign – guidance – clears – treat – migrate)
7- All people —————– when they saw the monkey who could play piano.
8- Ali knows a lot of jokes. He usually makes us ————— in the class.
9- When there is a heavy snow in winter, the snowplow ————— the road.
10- She can`t speak Persian, she is from a ————— country.
11- I really ————- your sense of duty .
12- When birds travel from one place to another place they ————— .
13- The host ————— the best food to those special guests.
14- She could successfully pass the exam under the ————— of the teacher.